The latest installment in the Terrifier franchise, Terrifier 3, started out with an outstanding Rotten Tomatoes critics' score, yet the longer the movie has been out, the lower its...
The Looney Tunes are heading to the big screen after all, despite the utter mess that followed the terrible case of Coyote vs. Acme. The Day the Earth Blew...
Warning! SPOILERS about Georgie & Mandy's First Marriage episode 1 ahead.
The focus on Georgie, Mandy and the McAllisters in Georgie & Mandy's First Marriage guaranteed Sheldon’s absence, but one...
Take seven of the world leaders, have them act like horny teenagers out of a soap opera, and throw them into a zombie apocalypse, all while Charles Dance plays...
The final boss battle in Metaphor: ReFantazio pits the player's party against Louis, the antagonist who has been pulling the strings throughout the game. The battle takes place in...
Editor's Note: The following contains spoilers for 'The Penguin' Episode 4.Episode 4 of The Penguin introduces the cruel head doctor of Arkham State Hospital, Dr. Ventris, played by T....
Sure, you may already have a collection of cardigans hanging in your closet. Some are threadbare from wear, others are pilled from over-washing. Most,...