Once again Bob is trying to cook the perfect turkey. This time it involves a three-day brine. However, in the days leading up to Thanksgiving, Bob and the family awake to find the turkey in the toilet. Bob replaces it, and it ends up there again the next day. What’s going on?!
While the mystery of the toilet turkey is intriguing and does have a very funny and sweet explanation, the real reason this episode is so high up is because it nails the vibes of a messy Thanksgiving week. Family members (in this case Gayle) arriving and causing problems, kids wanting to sit at the adult table, and trying to cook a big ol’ turkey perfectly.
Oh, and it also includes one of the best bits in all of Bob’s Burgers, involving a deli counter employee who thinks Bob’s return visits for more replacement turkeys are actually an attempt to woo him into a romantic fling. This is not only the best Thanksgiving episode of the show, but possibly a contender for best episode of the entire series. So give it a re-watch this Thanksgiving and enjoy.