Any time a Kardashian or Jenner unleashes a new product, you can practically feel the little earthquakes of tapping and clicking as fans try to add it to their carts before it sells out. These women are gorgeous and perfectly coiffed — why wouldn’t we want to try what they’re into? If you’re curious — and also happen to be in the market for teeth-whitening products — you might want to check out Moon Teeth Whitening Pen Elixer III by Kendall Jenner. The good news is that you can get it on Amazon. The great news is that it’s just $17 right now, and it’s perfect for tossing in your purse for last-minute touch-ups before your plethora of holiday hootenannies.
This on-the-go whitener gives you 30-plus applications. It has a vanilla mint flavor and it also happens to be vegan.
$17 at Amazon
Why is this a good deal?
There’s a lot to like about this pen — especially if you’ve tried the teeth-whitening goop and gadgets on the market right now. The good stuff can cost a lot — we’re talking $40 or more for brand-name whitening strip treatments, not to mention the additional high costs of in-dental-office whitening procedures, often several hundred dollars out of pocket. The bad stuff, too, may cost you in the long run, by leaving you with aching teeth. But Amazon shoppers say the Moon Whitening Pen does a fantastic job of cleaning up stains, fast — and at 30% off, this $14 pen (down from $20) is more than worth a try.
Why do I need this?
The Moon Teeth Whitening Pen is a great way to keep your smile sparkling while on the go. Just pop off the cap, swipe across your teeth, and presto — a new level of whiteness within just 30 seconds of your first use. You’ll see an immediate difference and lasting results are possible in as little as two weeks. That means whether you want an extra boost of confidence before hosting the holiday gift exchange or attending your office party, the Moon will be right there to give you something to smile about. The Vanilla Mint flavor is also a big standout, making it a pleasure to apply versus some of the other more chemical-tasting alternatives. “I am very much enjoying this product,” raved a reviewer. “I’ve been using it for a couple of weeks now, and it works very well and quickly. I’ve noticed in other whitening tools that the taste is very unpleasant, but this Moon Whitening Pen doesn’t taste bad at all.”
What reviewers say
More than 1,000 reviewers have given the Moon Teeth Whitening Pen a perfect five-out-of-five-star rating on Amazon. Shoppers gush about this pen’s portability, as well as its ability to make them photo-ready.
“I love owning a product that I can depend on every single day to make my smile appear 110% better,” wrote an excited five-star fan. “I don’t have to wait more than 30 seconds to see that my smile is whiter than it was before applying the Moon gel. I can keep it in my lunch bag, purse and pretty much carry it with me in my pocket if I needed to.”
“A lot of my front teeth are built up with composite, and there are little lines between the composite and the real tooth that collect color,” shared an impressed shopper. “After just a few times using this, the lines have almost completely faded! It’s noticeably whitened my teeth after just a couple of days.”
It has even won over a few skeptics: “I am not a fan of anything Kardashian, so when I received this I was skeptical,” shared a shocked shopper. “This does actually work! I have subscribed to get this product once every six weeks because I can’t go without it!”
“I was skeptical about this product because I have used other whitening products in the past that irritated my teeth and caused sensitivity, but the Moon Teeth Whitening Pen did not have the same issue for me,” shared another happy shopper. “In fact, it was way easier to use and whitened my teeth so quickly.”
“I did notice a difference,” admitted one user, “but I was kind of disappointed because it wasn’t drastic. Tasted good and is super easy to use, though.”
This shopper had some words of warning for sensitive types: “My first application hurt my teeth really bad. I got pretty scared, rinsed them off after about 10 seconds. Thankfully the pain went away within 15 minutes, and I did see an improvement by the next day. I read up on the tooth pain and apparently it’s common with many whitening products, and people just grin and bear it. Several days later I tried again and applied a thinner coat. Much less painful, just a little soreness.”
This pen works to whiten teeth in just 30 seconds — perfect for a quick touch-up.
$17 at Amazon
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The reviews quoted above reflect the most recent versions at the time of publication.