Something that I love about “It” sneakers is that they have a longer shelf life than many other It items. Many of our current It sneakers have been popular for years, including the Salomon XT-6 GTX sneakers. Salomon is a French company that specializes in hiking sneakers, among other things. And for one reason or another, the brand’s XT-6 sneakers were initially designed for running through harsh conditions. Eleven years after their inception, they’re as popular as ever and come in tons of color combinations. And not surprisingly, they have many celebrity fans. One of those fans is Lily Collins, who just wore them while strolling through London.
If you thought Salomons were just for hiking, think again. Collins just proved that that work with even elegant outfits, by pairing her all-white XT-6s with a trench coat, camel blazer, burgundy scarf, and loose black trousers. They’re one of those pairs of sneakers that you wouldn’t think would be versatile enough to wear with a hiking outfit and also an elegant trench coat outfit, but alas, Collins just proved that they are.
Salomon XT-6 GTX sneakers aren’t super easy to find, but I did some digging and found them in several colorways for you to shop. Keep scrolling to do just that.
(Image credit: Splash News)
(Image credit: Splash News)
On Lily Collins: Salomon XT-6 Sneakers in Vanilla Ice/Almond Milk ($200); Celine bag; Cartier sunglasses
Shop Lily Collins’ Sneakers
Off-White XT-6 Sneakers
Shop More Salomon XT-6 GTX Sneakers
Women’s XT-6 Gore-Tex Sneakers in Almond Milk, Feather Gray, & Pale Mauve
XT-6 Sneakers in Ghost gray/Ghost gray/Gray flannel
XT-6 Sneakers in Ice Flow/Orch Bouquet/Liberty
XT-6 Gore-Tex Sneakers in Safari/Safari/Black
XT-6 in White & Lunar Rock
XT-6 in Almond Milk, Portabella, & Ice Flow
XT-6 Sneakers in Bright Green, Black, & Sulphur Spring