If you’re a Pokémon TCG Pocket sicko like me and have already collected over half of the mobile card game’s starting Genetic Apex set, don’t worry! New datamines suggest the next set of cards isn’t far away, with a smaller update pegged for December.
While The Pokémon Company hasn’t revealed its official roadmap for Pokémon TCG Pocket since the game racked up 30 million players last week, fans digging into the details of recent updates to the smartphone game have found some clues. This look at the back end, recently shared by Pokémon community account CentroLeaks, outlines a suspected upcoming schedule of the card game from new events to new booster packs, with the card set after Genetic Apex seemingly arriving around January 29.
That deduction was based on the apparent naming convention in the code which tags current in-game events as part of A1, while after January they move to A2. But that doesn’t mean players will have to wait several months before the game’s first new cards appear. There’s also an A1a booster pack event starting around December 17 which seems like it could be part of a smaller, mid-season mini-expansion. That’s a good thing if it turns out to be accurate, as anyone playing daily up to that point will have likely filled out much of Pokémon TCG Pocket’s existing Pokédex outside of the rarest cards.
Other significant milestones in the datamind findings point to a new store update on December 1, as well as something Bulbasuar-themed appearing in the weeks after that. In the meantime, November appears to have a part 2 to the current Meowth event waiting in the wings, as well as a potential Black Friday event and something called “Mass Outbreak.”
If you ask me, the updates can’t come soon enough. I’m starting to tire ever so slightly of the existing battle meta, and the Lapras event is truly a grind. Fortunately, Pokémon TCG Pocket still excels at the thing I need it for most: 5 minutes of peace staring at beautiful Pokémon cards while I drink my morning coffee.